
Friday, June 30, 2017

W.A.L.T create a movie script in Te Reo Maori and film it as a group.

Scene 1 - Going to Whangarei
Anthony: Camera Boy
**Kohatu walks through the school gates as we are about to walk out**
Kohatu: Kia ora koutou
Anthony, Parehuia, Letisha: Kia ora Kohatu          
Kohatu: E pehea ana koutou?
Anthony, Parehuia, Letisha:   E pai ana matou
Kohatu: E haere ana koutou ki hea?
Letisha: E haere ana  mātou ki Whangārei i te ono o Hongongoi
Kohatu: E aha ana koutou ki Whangarei?
Anthony: E haere ana mātou ki te pikitia, ki te puna kaukau, me te whare kai o Jimmy Jack's Rib Shacks me te wāhi papa tākaro
Kohatu: He aha te pikitia?
Letisha: Ko te ingoa, ‘Ko Te Rua Tekau Ma Rua Te Peke Huarahi’

**Kohatu looks at us funny**
Anthony: He aha te mate?
Kohatu: E  pai ana, Ka hoki ahau ki te Kura. Kia pai to ra
Parehuia, Anthony, Letisha: Hei konei ra e hoa

Scene 2 - At the Pools

**Walking into the pools**(Parehuia/Anthony walking into the pools)
Parehuia: Tino pai tenei wahi
Anthony: Tino pai ana te wai mo te kauika
Parehuia: Me ruku taua ne
Anthony: Aw Ae Me Ruku Taua
(Both dive in at the same time)
Parehuia: Tino makariri te wai
Anthony: Engari e tino humarie ana  matou
Kohatu: Ka mau te wehi
Kohatu: Ae! Ka mau te wehi!

Scene 3 - At the Movies

**Walking into the Cinemas**
Harmony: E hiakai ana koutou?
Letisha, Parehuia, Kohatu:   Ae, tino hia kai ana mātou
Letisha: Me haere tātou ki te hoko he hamapaka, me te hanawiti tino pai.
Harmony: Ae e tino reka ana te hamapaka
Kohatu: Me te hanawiti tino pai te hotiti
Anthony: Me haere tatou ki te Matakitaki te Pikitia
Kohatu: Ae me haere tatou


Thursday, June 29, 2017

This is my speech that I wrote for our school speech competition, enjoy.


Today I am going to tell you a story about someone I know. She lives in  Kaikohe, but she used to live in a place called Hamilton and she is who I'm going to be talking about today.

When this girl lived in Hamilton she had to wake up early and drive 15 minutes or so just to get to school on time everyday, and how do I know this you might ask… it’s because I used to live with her.

I remember her and I were the only two Maori students in our class and no one could pronounce her name let alone mine as well her mother’s, or even her brothers because they were Maori names. But they could pronounce her dad's name because it’s a Pakehā name, his name is Joe if you’re wondering.

One day, she told me she was from a small place called Kaikohe… Kaikohe?
“Where is Kaikohe?” I asked.
“That's the thing.” she said. “I don't know where it is, I don't know where I'm from.”
That was when one day her (this girl that I’m talking about) parents decided that they would move to Kaikohe.

Coming here was one of the best decisions in my opinion I think my parents have ever made. I am able to say my maunga is just over there, my awa is just over here, my maraes across the road plus I'm living in the house my grandfather and mother grew up in. Now I can grow up and it's cool because my great grandfather built it and to see all the hard work he put into the house we live in is a true blessing to have that. I could never have that six hours away from here .

So on that note. If you haven't figured it out already, that girl I am talking about today her name is Parehuia, and that girl is me.

Ko Putahi te maunga, ko Wairoro te awa, ko Te Kotahitanga te marae, ko Ngātokimatawhaorua te waka, ko Ngāti Whakaeke te hapu ko Ngapuhi te iwi, ko Te Riini tōku mama, ko Joseph tōku pāpā, ko Penaia tāku teina, Ko Parehuia ahau. Thank you all for listening to my speech. This is my story and I hope you enjoyed it.

Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā tātou katoa.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

W.A.L.T: in a group create a script about composting then film it and make it into a movie.

Worm composting script

Group 1:
Characters: Keila, Letisha, Tumanako & Parehuia.

Voice over - Tumanako

Slater leader: Tumanako

Slater assistant: Parehuia
Keila & Letisha: Gardeners.

Leader Worm: Letisha

Worm assistant: Keila


Voice over: Hi Everyone, I’m here to teach you a simple thing that we can do to help each other and your gardening environment. Look there’s Keila and Letisha, they’re working in their garden.

Keila: hey what's that over there?...It looks like a...
Letisha: I think it’s a worm farm or something.

LETISHA / KEILA - Opens up box then looks in...

LEADER WORM: Welcome to the wonderful land of worms and composting.

Worm assistant: Compost!, Do you know what compost is?
Compost is when you put organic waste like - Food scraps, dead plants or shredded paper in a big pile and let them break down until it turns into a rich garden soil.

Keila: wow that sounds so cool!!

LEADER WORM: Did you know that when leaves fall off a tree the bugs like worms, spiders and snails eat the leafs and then the leaves break down into the soil, and the tree feeds upon it and the nutrients go back up onto the tree, then once spring comes the leaves that the worms, snails and spiders ate grow again, we call it nature's recycling system. Don’t you think thats AMAZING?!

Letisha: that is amazing!!

Worm assistant: Do you know why you shouldn’t bury your rubbish at home?
Well it is Because when you dig a hole in the ground and you put nappies, cans and bottles, all of the liquid from the rubbish will then drip to the bottom of the hole and it will create a toxic chemical called Leachate.

LEADER WORM: Yes that’s right!! The Leachate soaks the earth with this toxic chemical and sadly that where all the human bury their water pipes. These water pipes are buried in this toxic area and eventually the toxic will get into the human’s clean water supply.

Keila: Ohh that sounds awful because all the humans who will drink from this water supply will feel sick or worse… DIE!

letisha: WOW!! Now I know that we are making the water we drink unsafe.

Keila: YES! We need to tell somebody, because if we don’t then we may get sick, and we won't be able to go to school or garden.

Tumanako: HEY! I think you forgot about us, I mean we're here too, you know?…

Parehuia: Yeah, we help with this growing thing too. Yet we don't think they want to know that part…

ALL SLATERS: (laughing)

Parehuia: shhh let the worms speak about us, because we don't know that much.

Letisha: Thank you! I think you children might know a little bit about our friends and how they tend to help us with the growth and recycling of the plants.

Tumanako: we slater's eat the things that the worms cannot.

ALL WORMS: also did you know that us worms can eat up to 10x our own weight? Isn’t that CRAZY…

Tumanako: not even I can do that you're just trying to make them go WOW…

ALL WORMS: (frowns)

LEADER WORM: well these were fun facts….. Don't you think WORMS??


Tumanako: I think these are very good facts. DON’T YOU GARDENERS THINK THE SAME?

Gardeners: Yes We Totally agree

Keila: what else is there that we don't know about worms?

Letisha: Yeah I would love to find out more facts:

ALL WORMS: Parehuia- Here's a few more facts: Keila-Did you know that we worms have five hearts. Letisha- We breathe through our skin, Tumanako- We eat A LOT but have no teeth.

ALL WORMS: and most of all we love to wiggle and jiggle around in the garden!!!
(All worms WIGGLE and JIGGLE)

ALL SLATERS: (looking satisfied)

ENDING: Gardeners, Worms, slaters and voice over: EVERYONE let’s start composting and Let’s keep our environment safe.