Scene 1 - Going to Whangarei
Anthony: Camera Boy
**Kohatu walks through the school gates as we are about to walk out**
Kohatu: Kia ora koutou
Anthony, Parehuia, Letisha: Kia ora Kohatu
Kohatu: E pehea ana koutou?
Anthony, Parehuia, Letisha: E pai ana matou
Kohatu: E haere ana koutou ki hea?
Letisha: E haere ana mātou ki Whangārei i te ono o Hongongoi
Kohatu: E aha ana koutou ki Whangarei?
Anthony: E haere ana mātou ki te pikitia, ki te puna kaukau, me te whare kai o Jimmy Jack's Rib Shacks me te wāhi papa tākaro
Anthony: E haere ana mātou ki te pikitia, ki te puna kaukau, me te whare kai o Jimmy Jack's Rib Shacks me te wāhi papa tākaro
Kohatu: He aha te pikitia?
Letisha: Ko te ingoa, ‘Ko Te Rua Tekau Ma Rua Te Peke Huarahi’
**Kohatu looks at us funny**
Anthony: He aha te mate?
Kohatu: E pai ana, Ka hoki ahau ki te Kura. Kia pai to ra
Parehuia, Anthony, Letisha: Hei konei ra e hoa
Scene 2 - At the Pools
**Walking into the pools**(Parehuia/Anthony walking into the pools)
Parehuia: Tino pai tenei wahi
Anthony: Tino pai ana te wai mo te kauika
Parehuia: Me ruku taua ne
Anthony: Aw Ae Me Ruku Taua
(Both dive in at the same time)
Parehuia: Tino makariri te wai
Anthony: Engari e tino humarie ana matou
Kohatu: Ka mau te wehi
Kohatu: Ae! Ka mau te wehi!
Scene 3 - At the Movies
**Walking into the Cinemas**
Harmony: E hiakai ana koutou?
Letisha, Parehuia, Kohatu: Ae, tino hia kai ana mātou
Letisha: Me haere tātou ki te hoko he hamapaka, me te hanawiti tino pai.
Harmony: Ae e tino reka ana te hamapaka
Kohatu: Me te hanawiti tino pai te hotiti
Anthony: Me haere tatou ki te Matakitaki te Pikitia
Kohatu: Ae me haere tatou